In sales, we get to deal with all kinds of clients. With some we need to show flexibility, with others we need to insist on our principles. Here are two examples:
‚The Noble Merchant‘
At the outset of my career, I was at a hotel for a meeting with a client. I was in my late twenties, and I wanted to win over a client who was almost twice my age. Although well-prepared, I kept pacing nervously through the fully booked hotel. The fact that there was an annual gathering of the Siemens works council didn’t help things. I had never seen such a throng of grey-looking gentlemen in my life and began to fear that my client would be no less of an ill-humoured, fastidious killjoy….
Tag 1
10:00 UHR - 18:00 UHR
- Elementare Führungsgrundsätze im Vertrieb
- Mindset: Selbstverständnis und Eigenverantwortung als Führungskraft
- Recruiting: neue Mitarbeiter finden, gewinnen und begeistern
- Teaming: leistungsfähige und erfolgreiche Teams formen
Tag 2
09:00 UHR - 17:00 UHR
- Wirksame Mitarbeitergespräche führen
- Konflikte im Team schnell erkennen – und angemessen reagieren
- Zielvereinbarungen treffen, nachhalten und vergüten
- Erfolgsmessung: Zielerreichung definieren und messen